
Gögn frá  ráðstefnu BUGL


David Goldston

Aðalfyrirlesari ráðstefnu BUGL - David Goldston, Ph.D

David Goldston, Ph.D., er klínískur sálfræðingur og dósent við geð- og atferlisvísindadeild Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Goldston hefur haft rannsóknarfé til langtíma-, meðferðarþróunar-, innleiðinga og matsrannsókna, fyrst og fremst á sviði sjálfsvígshegðunar og/eða áfengis- og vímuefnaraskana.

Hann hefur verið aðalrannsakandi í þremur langtímaeftirfylgdarrannsóknum án inngripa, þar á meðal nýlokinni 20+ ára rannsókn sem einbeitir sér að áhættu og framvindu sjálfsvígshugsana og hegðunar frá unglingsaldri til fullorðinsára. Hann hefur einnig tekið þátt í nokkrum þróunar- og aðlögunarverkefnum, þar á meðal verkefnum sem beinast að þróun eða aðlögun stuttra inngripa fyrir (1) ungmenni í sjálfsvígshættu í unglingafangelsi, (2) ungmenni í bráðri sjálfsvígshættu í skólum, ( 3) ungmenni með tvíþættan vímuefnavanda og sjálfsvígshegðun, (4) fullorðnir með sjálfsvígshegðun og vímuefnavanda á sjúkrahúsum og (5) umönnunaraðilar ungmenna í sjálfsvígshættu.

David Goldston hefur einnig lagt sitt af mörkum við úttekt á sjálfsvígsforvarnaráætlun Garrett Lee Smith Memorial, sem sýnir fram á að við framkvæmd áætlunarinnar voru færri andlát af völdum sjálfsvígs og minni grunntíðni sjálfsvígstilrauna. UCLA-Duke miðstöðin fyrir áfallaupplýstar forvarnir gegn sjálfsvígum, sjálfsskaða og vímuefnavanda, sem Dr. Goldston var aðalrannsóknarstjóri fyrir ásamt Dr. Joan Asarnow við UCLA, stóð fyrir 30 klínískum þjálfun fyrir 2.134 veitendur og veitti stutta klíníska þjálfun og kynningar fyrir um 10.000 einstaklinga frá 2016-2021.

David Goldston, bio

David Goldston, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Goldston has had research funding for longitudinal, treatment development, implementation, and evaluation research, primarily in the areas of suicidal behaviors and/or alcohol and substance use disorders.

He has been Principal Investigator for three prospective naturalistic studies, including a recently completed 20+ year study focusing on the risk and course of suicidal thoughts and behavior from adolescence through adulthood. He also has been involved in several intervention development and adaptation projects, including projects focused on development or adaptation of brief interventions for (1) youth at risk for suicide in juvenile detention settings, (2) youth at acute risk for suicide in schools, (3) youth with co-occurring substance use problems and suicidal behavior, (4) adults with suicidal behavior and substance use problems in hospital settings, and (5) caregivers of youths at risk for suicide.

David Goldston also has contributed to the cross-site evaluation of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Suicide Prevention Program, demonstrating that implementation of the program was associated with reduced suicide deaths, and reduced population base rates of suicide attempts. The UCLA-Duke Center for Trauma-Informed Suicide, Self-Harm, and Substance Abuse Prevention, for which Dr. Goldston was Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Joan Asarnow at UCLA, conducted 30 full clinical trainings for 2,134 providers and provided brief clinical trainings and presentations to approximately 10,000 individuals from 2016-2021.

Myndbönd frá ráðstefnu BUGL

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Haukur Örvar Pálmason, taugasálfræðingur

Compensation in Autism Spectrum Disorder - What is it and why does it matter
Dr. Lucy Livingston

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María Carmela Torrini

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Guðlaug Svala Kristjánsdóttir verkefnastjóri hjá Einhverfusamtökun

Aðalfyrirlesari Dr Lucy Livingston (Lecturer in Psychology, School of Psychology, Cardiff University):

 Lucy Title: Compensation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: What is it and why does it matter?

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is heterogenous in many ways, including developmental trajectory. Whilst many autistic people continue to demonstrate substantial social difficulties across the lifespan, a subset show improved social skills. It is currently unclear whether these improvements in social skills are necessarily underpinned by improvements in underlying social cognition (e.g., understanding others’ minds or Theory of Mind). One potential explanation is that some autistic people can ‘compensate’ for their underlying difficulties (e.g., in Theory of Mind), thus demonstrating relatively few autistic behaviours, despite continued core cognitive difficulties.

The process of compensation may have an array of benefits for autistic people, for example, helping individuals to gain and maintain relationships and employment. However, it is also possible that compensation has negative impacts, because individuals do not always appearautistic in behaviour and thus do not receive appropriate support and accommodations. For example, it may contribute to additional mental health difficulties and a late diagnosis of ASD. Overall, the topic of compensation has received surprisingly little theoretical and empirical attention. In this talk, I will present the compensation framework, give an overview of my research investigating the mechanisms of compensation in ASD and discuss the implications of the phenomenon of compensation for clinical practice.

Biography: Lucy completed her BSc in Psychology at Durham University. She was then awarded MRC funding for a 1+3 MSc + PhD programme at the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre (King’s College London). Lucy’s PhD, supervised by Professor Francesca Happé, focused on understanding heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through the study of compensatory mechanisms. She also received additional MRC funding to carry out applied research with the National Autistic Society, with whom she has worked closely for many years. Lucy is now a Lecturer in Psychology at Cardiff University within the Wales Autism Research Centre, where she leads her own programme of research. She is also an active member of Autistica’s Study Group for furthering research into Physical Health and Ageing in Autism.

Her current research interests include developmental trajectories, late diagnosis and co-occurring mental health difficulties in ASD and other neurodevelopmental conditions. She is passionate about meaningfully involving autistic people in all stages of her research. Her work has been published in leading Psychology and Psychiatry journals. In 2020, she won the Neil O’Connor British Psychological Society Developmental Section prize for her work.

Pediatric Anxiety Disorders - John T. Walkup, MD, Pritzker Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health.

Treatment of Tic Disorders and Other Repetitive Behaviors - John T. Walkup, MD Department of Psychiatry Lurie Children’s Hospital & Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine.

Mataræði, þarmaflóra og geðheilbrigði barna og unglinga - Birna G. Ásbjörnsdóttir.

Sálfélagsleg stuðningsmeðferð fyrir foreldra unglinga með ADHD á BUGL Forrannsókn - Ingibjörg Margrét Baldursdóttir, Geðhjúkrunarfræðingur á göngudeild BUGL og doktorsnemi við hjúkrunarfræðideild HÍ.

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Using contextual behaviour science to consider growth and development in humans. - Louise Hayes, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

Tengslamiðuð fjölskyldumeðferð - Unnur Heba Steingrímsdóttir, geðhjúkrunarfr., EMDR þerapisti og handleiðari Vilborg G Guðnadóttir, geðhjúkrunar- og fjölskyldufræðingur, handleiðari Henný Hraunfjörð, hjúkrunarfræðingur, lýðheilsu- og fjölskyldufræðingur.

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Dagskrá 2019

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