Mat 24 nemenda í hjúkrunarfræðinámi við PACE háskólann í New York
á einum klínískum námsdegi sem þau fengu á 24 deildum LSH í mars 2007
1. Formlegt mat með spurningalista og fær dagurinn á LSH í heild sinni 4,7 af 5 mögulegum. 22 / 26 nemendur gerðu matið: 16 gáfu fimm (einn reyndar 5+++), 5 gáfu fjóra og einn gaf 3.
2. Hver nemandi skráði dagbók um ferð sína. Hér koma dæmigerðir kaflar úr þeim:
Þau voru almennt himinlifandi yfir reynslu sinni - þau sögðu:
- "All in all the day was incredible and if that was the only thing I got to see in Iceland I think I would still be ecstatic to have gone."
- "Combined with the visits to the nursing homes, this has been the higlight of my educational experience. It has allowed me to appreciate my nursing practice and realize how important of a responsibility I have in patient care."
- "Basically I saw more in one day then I"ve seen in all of my clinicals thus far."
- "Honestly, I could never expect that this clinical day would give me so much joy and inspiration."
- "Wonderful experience overall."
- "I had the opportunity to observe the body language between the nurses and patients. It was obvious that there was great respect. The warm relationship between the staff and the patients was enviable."
- "The clinical day was a wonderful experience, the whole team in this unit worked closely together. There was a respectful, productive environment."
- "I was amazed by how much the nurses and doctors share such a great relationship and how they work hand-in-hand when providing care. "
- "I loved the interaction that nurses and doctors had with each other and I felt that both professions respected each other. I feel in the US medicine and nursing work parallel to each other while in Iceland they work together as a team."
- "I feel that staff satisfaction is high and the staff treat each other like family."
Um móttöku þeirra og leiðbeinendursögðu þau:
- "I was fascinated by the way the Icelandic nurses welcomed us."
- "Overall I was impressed by the way they treated me nicely and dedicated their time for me."
- "They went out of their way to make me feel welcome. I felt this was a really nice gesture."
- "My preceptor was the type of nurse that I hope to be. She was confident, caring and supportive. She took a holistic approach."
- "My preceptor was very nice and was very patient. She answered all my questions."
- "I liked [my preceptor] soo much! She was so sweet and talkative and showing me everything she does and introducing me to the patients. The few hours I spent with her made me want to work there so badly."
- "I was scared of this day for the entire trip, but now that it is over I wish I could do it over again. As soon as I met [my preceptor] I was put at ease."
- "[My preceptor] gave a hug and told me that she would be very glad to spend day with me."
- "All of the nurses were so interested in me and kind and talkative especially at coffee break where we all sat tightly shoulder to shoulder to eat and talk. I felt like one of them."
Umsjón með mati ogútdráttur mats: frá Ass.professor David Ekstrom sem hafði umsjón með námskeiðinu.
Samantekt á útdrætti hans gerði Hildur Magnúsdóttir SKVÞ.