
Ráðstefnur BUGL

BUGL hefur undanfarin ár staðið fyrir árlegum ráðstefnum þar sem markmiðið er að efla samvinnu milli þeirra aðila í heilbrigðis-, félags- og menntakerfinu sem sinna þjónustu fyrir börn og unglinga með geðraskanir. Auk þess er markmiðið að vekja athygli á rannsóknum og nýjum úrræðum í meðferð barna og unglinga með geðraskanir. Fyrirlesarar hafa komið víða að og verið bæði innlendir og erlendir. Ráðstefnan er ætluð starfsfólki; heilsugæslu, þjónustumiðstöðva, félagsþjónustu, barnaverndar, skóla og öðrum sem hafa áhuga.

Banner mynd fyrir  Ráðstefnur BUGL

Hagnýtar upplýsingar

Skólaforðun, áskoranir og úrræði
 Árleg ráðstefna Barna- og unglingageðdeildar Landspítala
Hvenær: 27. janúar 2023 frá 08:00 - 15:30
Hvar: Ráðstefnan mun fara fram á Grand Hótel og í streymi.
Verð: 18.500 kr. ráðstefnan á staðnum | 18.500 kr. ráðstefnan í streymi | 9.500 kr. verð fyrir nema
Aðalfyrirlesari ráðstefnunnar: Anne Marie Albano
 Skráning:  https://bugl.vefthing.is


Shannon Bennett, Ph.D. is licensed clinical psychologist with expertise in cognitive behavioral interventions for children, adolescents, young adults, parents, and families suffering from Anxiety Disorders, Tic Disorders, OCD and other related conditions. Her clinical practice includes individual therapy, group therapy, parent/child work, and parent training for youth, young adults, and their families using state of the art, research-supported psychotherapy interventions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Dr. Bennett is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine, and is the Director of Psychology for the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYP/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Bennett serves as the Clinical Director of the New York Presbyterian Hospital Youth Anxiety Center for Weill Cornell, whose mission is to advance clinical care, research and education for the identification and treatment of anxiety disorders in adolescents and young adults. Dr. Bennett is also the Director of the Weill Cornell Medicine Center of Excellence for Tourette Syndrome, a designation awarded to WCM by the Tourette Association of America for excellence in the clinical care, research, and support of individuals with Tourette Syndrome and related conditions.

Dr. Bennett’s primary research interests include the development, evaluation, and dissemination of cognitive behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders and tic disorders, testing the efficacy of novel treatments for these disorders, and better understanding mechanisms involved in symptom change. Dr. Bennett currently oversees multiple research studies in the areas of anxiety and tic disorder treatment, and has written of several papers, book chapters, and treatment manuals on these topics. She lectures locally, nationally and internationally on topics related to child, adolescent, young adult and family mental health.

Prior to joining the Faculty at Weill Cornell in 2010, Dr. Bennett was a Co-Founder and Associate Director of the Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Intensive Treatment Program at UCLA and contributed to several cognitive-behavioral treatment research programs at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. Dr. Bennett also led a multi-disciplinary research team focused on the psychosocial needs of women who experience perinatal loss, and earned a National Research Service Award from NIMH for this research effort.

Dr. Bennett has also been honored with a Career Development Leadership Award from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Dr. Bennett is a member of the International Task Force of the Canadian Institute for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and serves on the Medical Advisory Board for the Tourette Association of America

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